Wednesday, July 6

Where are your manners?

Drive thrus, convenient stores, traffic and really any other public place that you can think of are full of self consumed people. It is like there is no one else who exisits. Let's try and snap them out of it!

Did you ever notice in the WaWa (especially during busy times) there is a flow? A polite and courteous dance that moves beautifully. The doors are held open. People make room at the coffee counter. And my personal favorite.......People have their money ready and move after paying. It is a beautiful thing!

Why does that flow not work everywhere? Remember everyone has a day to get thru. When you see a car merging...let it in! When you are in a drive thru know what you want........ or park and go in! And to make someone feel good hold the door and smile. Works everytime.

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