Sunday, January 30

"Winter" is it really that bad?

Now before you start screaming at the computer, hear me out. Yes it is cold and the nights are longer and there is snow storm on top of snow storm. But with the bad comes the good.

Sledding is so much fun. I took the kids to Furey Rd. today and they had a blast. It is a rare treat to get this much snow. I remember a few big snow storms that we truely got to enjoy sledding when I was growing up. But nothing like the last few years. So grab a sled and get out and enjoy it.

Snow Days (even 2 hour delays) can be a good thing! Stay in bed and worry about the shoveling later. Believe me it will still be there. I have also started to embrace being stuck in the house. It forces me to slow down. And you know what? I like it!

Cold means warm tea and comfort food. Wearing big comfy clothes and snuggling on the couch. Ahhhh if I only had a fireplace.

Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to warm weather and getting out of the house just as much as the next person. But for now I am going to enjoy winter for just a little longer.

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